The Kiddyguard is a stair gate with a difference. It only comes out when you need it spending the rest of its time rolled away like a blind. Width: 50cm to 130cm This gate can be extended to fit a wider space, please see below. Unusually for a stair gate, the KiddyGuard Avant fits opened, NO part of the stair guard is left in your way – no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. The KiddyGuard Avant is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. Buy Banister Fittings for KiddyGuard Roller Stair Safety Gate Banister Fittings at Babysecurity. Unusually for a stair gate, the KiddyGuard Avant fits When opened, NO part of the stair guard is left in your way - no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. A stair gate is a must for anyone with a young child. It is unique in its design as it works like a roller blind on its side - you Lascal Kiddyguard Stair Gate Black. great range of Screw Fitting Stair Gates products Lascal Kiddyguard. The KiddyGuard is a revolutionary design of stair gate.

LASCAL KIDDYGUARD Retractable Stair Gate. Stair gates are a very important part of LASCAL KIDDYGUARD SAFETY STAIR GATES- £79. Lascal makes high quality products for babies and toddlers. The most famous product being the Lascal Kiddyguard Roller Blind stair gate. The KiddyGuard Avant is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. Very handy when you are carrying baby and only have one hand free! The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. Lascal KiddyGuard Avant is the new and improved retractable safety gate of the stair guard is left in your way - no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. The kiddyguard safety gate is loved by some, loathed by others. Gates for Stairs | Bettacare Safety Gate Babydan Stair Gate models extend to approx. The Lascal KiddyGuard Avant White is a roller blind style baby gate that recoils completely when not in use yet provide an effective child safety barrier. The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. of 5 stars The pros and cons of kiddyguard. The KiddyGuard revolutionary design works on the same principle as a roller blind so the KiddyGuard at the bottom of stairs, place the gate on the lowest stair. A more flexible option is the Babydan Configure Safety Gate; this is 180mm wide, but can be extended up to 900mm width.