The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. LASCAL KIDDYGUARD Retractable Stair Gate. Lascal Kiddyguard Roller Stair Gate is a roller blind style baby gate that recoils completely when not in use yet provide an effective child safety barrier. Kiddyguard Safety Gate: Kiddyguard safety gates approx. We look at the top 5 safety stair gates on the 1. LASCAL KIDDYGUARD SAFETY STAIR GATES- £79. Unusually for a stair gate, the KiddyGuard the stair guard is left in your way - no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. The KiddyGuard Avant is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. Lascal KiddyGuard Avant is the new and improved retractable safety gate of the stair guard is left in your way - no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. of 5 stars The pros and cons of kiddyguard. This is expensive (£50) but safe and versatile. The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places.

help The KiddyGuard is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. The KiddyGuard Avant is a safety gate which protects your child from dangerous places. It is basically like strengthened horizontal roller blind. Width: 50cm to 130cm This gate can be extended to fit a wider space, please see below. Lascal KiddyGuard - The avantgarde safety gate. Find out NO part of the stair guard is left in your way - no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. The Lascal KiddyGuard Avant White is a roller blind style baby gate that recoils completely when not in use yet provide an effective child safety barrier. Lascal makes high quality products for babies and toddlers. The most famous product being the Lascal Kiddyguard Roller Blind stair gate. A more flexible option is the Babydan Configure Safety Gate; this is 180mm wide, but can be extended up to 900mm width. Unusually for a stair gate, the KiddyGuard Avant of the stair guard is left in your way – no threshold, leaving no trip hazard. Buy Banister Fittings for KiddyGuard Roller Stair Safety Gate Banister Fittings at Babysecurity.